Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hale and Hearty Fish and Chips: The Nutritious Takeaway Alternative

More than eating in moderation, there are more ways to modify the nutritional value of fish and chips, as suggested by Ms. Williamson. Fish cooked in oil at the right temperature are more likely to taste better and absorb less fat. Meanwhile, soggy batter and chips can only mean that they were cooked when the oil isn’t hot enough. People who want to lessen their fat intake can avoid having chips that are thinly cut, as well as pies and jumbo sausages, and opt for mushier peas.

Those who wish to have healthy and tasty takeaway food can get their healthy portions of scrumptious fish and chips around Melbourne. Fish is an excellent source of protein, which is necessary for body repair and maintenance, while the chunky chips have enough carbohydrates to keep most people energised for the rest of the day.


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